Do you have kids under 18 or a partner who relies on your income? Whether you’re 20 or 60 years old, you’ll want to make sure their futures are secure. 

Death isn’t something any of us like to think about. But in reality, the odds of it happening to us are roughly… 100%. And the last thing we want is to leave the people we love without financial support.

If it were up to you, you’d like to leave your family $1 million. But we’re not all millionaires. Good news: You don’t need to save up all that money yourself. With the life insurance provider Ladder, you can easily get a decision on coverage up to $1 million in just five minutes.

Want to Leave Your Family $1 Million?

You can use Ladder’s coverage calculator to figure out how much coverage you should have. But a general rule of thumb is to secure seven to 10 times your average salary.

Then, when you go to sign up, it only takes a few minutes to answer a few questions about your life and health, such as your income. Then you’ll get an instant decision on coverage, and there’s no risk. Some simple lab work might be required, but that’s easy, right?

You’ll pay no policy fees, and you can cancel anytime. You even get a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Why Do I Need Life Insurance?

Despite your best efforts, you’re not going to live forever. The biggest benefit of life insurance is being able to leave money for your family to pay for things like a funeral and living expenses.

If your family relies on your income, this will make sure they have money to continue to pay the bills, stay in their home and continue their education. 

Ladder is also flexible. It understands that people get married, buy houses and have kids, and itlets you easily add or reduce your coverage without dealing with high-pressure agents or tedious paperwork.

Life can be hard, and making decisions about it can be even harder. Ladder makes life insurance easy to get and easy to change.

Want to leave your family $1 million? Ladder Life will show you how.